Sunday Service at 10:00am -main Sanctuary

737 Woodlawn Road Charlotte, NC 28209


We would love for you to be our guest.

Located on Woodlawn Road
between Park Road and South Blvd.

A United Methodist Congregation


Please join us Every Sunday at 10:00am for worship in the Sanctuary.



In Fellowship

Gathering together in an all-inclusive group of individuals who believe in hope, love, and creating a positive environment to share their beliefs.

We hope you can join us to share in the responsibilities of helping others and possibly sharing your own story


A Church for, by, and of the community

We’re more than just a church—we’re a place for the entire community to come together without judgement. From weekly friendship dinners to neighborhood parties, join us for our many free community events.


Who We Are

Woodlawn Community Fellowship is a United Methodist Church for, of, and by the community. We are doing church differently, always looking for new ways to connect with our neighbors. With nearly 5 acres of space nestled in the Collingwood neighborhood, our goal is to be more than just a place people worship on Sundays. Our vision is to be a community gathering place, guided by God’s love for all people, welcoming of everyone and providing space for our neighbors to weave rich bonds with us and one another.

Sunday Worship

Worship with us every Sunday at 10 am. Our doors are always open to everyone!

Friendship Dinner

Join us every Thursday night for free dinner!

Skip the meal planning and prep while you connect with friends and neighbors over dinner.

WCF Sanctuary, 6 pm.

Jazz and Poetry Service

Join us at WCF for a special service as we celebrate and honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with jazz music, poetry and worship.

Open to the public; bring a friend or neighbor for a great night of music!

Sunday, January 19 at 5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the day approaching.

-Hebrews 10:24 -25

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