Worship With Us

Sundays | 10 AM | Sanctuary

Everyone Is Welcome

It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, what you did, or who you’ve been there with, Woodlawn Community Fellowship invites you to join us every Sunday at 10 am for our service of worship.

Join us as we worship God, find encouragement and hope, and grow closer to Jesus. Worship is a blend of traditional and contemporary drawn from our rich United Methodist heritage. Through prayer, scripture readings, and music, we encounter the presence of God together.

Communion is celebrated at an open table on the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome to receive communion.

Can’t join us in-person? Worship online! Sunday service is streamed live on our Facebook page.


Children of all ages are welcome in worship! WCF also offer’s nurturing children’s programming (ages 2-10) during worship in the downstairs Children’s Room.

A United Methodist congregation, we believe God loves all people and that Jesus Christ is the fullest expression of God’s love–showing us the fullness of God’s care through Jesus’ teachings, death and resurrection. As United Methodists, we put faith in love into action.

Woodlawn Community Fellowship is a church for, of, and by the community. Our church doors and our wider campus are open to all people. Rooted in our rich United Methodist tradition, we boldly look forward in search of new ways to “do church” in these changing times. We seek to create community and foster connection with one another, and share the wonder of God’s love.

Our church was established in 2020, but our connection to Charlotte goes back much further. After much prayer and reflection, the leaderships of Grace UMC and Selwyn (nee Mouzon) UMC brought the two churches together to establish WCF. Our church may be young, but our history in the community is long!

Visiting from out of town? New to Charlotte? Seeking a church home? Join WCF for worship every Sunday at 10 am. Come as you are and be part of our community!

Questions? Fill out the contact form!

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We believe that “membership” is a partnership where we commit to sharing in the work of Jesus Christ in our community and our world. This sharing means that we come together as a community to bear one another’s burdens, to inspire the best in one another, and to unite in mission. Joining the congregation is simply a public witness that you offer yourself to making WCF as faithful as we can be.

If you are interested in officially joining Woodlawn Community Fellowship, or simply have questions, please contact Pastor Jonathan: pastor@woodlawncommunityfellowship.org