Giving at Woodlawn Community Fellowship

We are grateful for the ways in which your giving supports the ministry of our church and enables us to be the presence of God’s love in our community and world. Your tithes and offerings help us to live out the ministry begun by Jesus to offer healing, companionship, and hope to the world.

How do I know God’s Spirit is alive in me? What sense do I have of having stable roots in my faith? Generosity. Paul names Generosity as one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:24), and when I am generous, I put down deep roots into God’s world to sustain me and those in need in God’s world.

Learn more about the different ways you can support WCF

Offertory/Tithe: Support WCF where it is needed most.

Hurrican Helene Relief: Providing free hot meals at United Methodist Churchs in communities impacted by Hurricane Helene in Western NC.

Special Events: WCF’s popular community-focused programs such as Thursday Night Friendship Dinners, Christmas Tree Lighting, School’s Out Party, End of Summer Bash, and more.

Food Ministry: Directly support WCF’s weekly fresh produce distribution to those in need, in partnership with The Bulb.

Property: Contribute to the care and well-being of our campus and buildings.


Other Ways To Give

Gifts may be made by cash or check and placed in the offering box at the back of the sanctuary. Please place your gift in the provided envelope and fill out your name and contact information so your gift can be appropriately acknowledged.

Your gifts can also be mailed to the church:

Woodlawn Community Fellowship
737 E. Woodlawn Road
Charlotte, NC 28209

A gift of appreciated stock supports WCF, qualifies for a deduction for the full value of the stock, and bypasses any capital gains tax on the appreciation. Publicly traded stocks are the most commonly donated appreciated securities, but you can also give bonds, mutual fund shares, or closely held stock.

Please contact the church office for additional information on how to make a gift of appreciated stock.

If you have a donor advised fund (DAF), you can recommend a grant to WCF via your sponsoring organization. Please ask your sponsoring organization to mail the gift to:

Woodlawn Community Fellowship
737 E. Woodlawn Road
Charlotte, NC 28209

If you are interested in more information about establishing a donor advised fund, we recommend United Methodist Foundation of Western North Carolina and Foundation For The Carolinas.

A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) allows individuals who are 70½ years old or older to donate up to $105,000 total to one or more charities directly from a taxable IRA instead of taking their required minimum distributions. Also called IRA charitable distributions or IRA charitable rollovers, QCDs are made directly to the eligible charity from a traditional IRA, inherited IRA, inactive Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan and inactive Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRAs. The money is directly transfer to the charity that never passes through the hands of the IRA holder. Contact your IRA custodian to intitate a QCD gift.

Leave a lasting legacy by including WCF in your estate plans. Planned gifts help sustain and advance our mission and ministry work in the community. Speak to an estate planning professional on how to include WCF as part of your legacy.